Imagination is unstoppable

Anything is imaginable

Like a blank white paper,My mind is clear and my pen is sharp.

  1. How I do it?
  2. Why you’re here?
  3. And how will this play out?

Here are answers,if any of mine don’t tickle an expression of a smile be satisfied and happy about your own choosing of the life you want to build, many ideas are still undiscovered we are pirates after all cause once you find it that treasure is yours(not the take it from somebody part).

  1. It’s not like underwear I can just take off and on,it’s always there even when I sleep, basically it is a new pair of undy’s  everytime and changes (me)for new freshly ideal perspective.
  2. Am I legit(say it three times)I always wanna say yes,this is the first step,to confirm me wanning to do this or not. And guess what? keep guessing.
  3. There’s no chance to bargain,like the main character in a movie,play your role and you’ll get your part on finding out.

A well thought out plan comes from imaginary thinking with or without blinking,you have the power to see what’s in your mind cause nobody else can,not unless you tell them for sure,just like how cartoons are made,just like how movies are made, see other ideals just come from your head might be crazy might be not,it’s for you to decide !make it a reality!!well if it’s within my power of cause or possible.The fact is trust in what you believe and just maybe it will be as real as the trust You hold,so don’t you let go! it’s not a question but the real answer is I can’t just drop it cause like my phone Imma always pick it back up.

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