It’s all about Emotion
Does seeking anything like it fulfill your needs?
I tried loving but it always ends with a broken heart
Well this isn’t about how it ends,it was always about how it began and that’s why anybody can find it.

Find love in yourself before the other
Find out more about how you can see it for yourself and how amazing it is
First time is a first charm: that’s one of the most signals that could say; you love someone or something .
Don’t just imagine the outcome: one of the things that troubles us is imagining what might happen before it happens and we never get to found out if it would.
Don’t fear rejection: being in fear of being alone while surrounded by people who are in relationships or a group if you might call, or you might just end up falling for anybody that comes your way, just for the sake of it.
You heart and mind is the only key:the catch is”you might not truly know if you’ve made the right choice, until you make it.
try loving yourself first!
Nobody has an answer to the love I feel,only I do.